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• Amezrou R, Ducasse A, Compain J, Lapalu N, Pitarch A, Dupont L, Confais J, Goyeau H, Kema GHJ, Croll D, Amselem J, Sanchez-Vallet A, Marcel TC. 2023. Quantitative pathogenicity and host adaptation in a fungal plant pathogen revealed by whole-genome sequencing. Nature Communications 15, 1933 [doi]

• Bourgeois T, Prado S, Suffert F, Salmon S. 2024. The collembolan Heteromurus nitidus grazes the wheat fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici on infected tissues: opportunities and limitations for bioregulation. Pest Management Science 80: 3238-3245 [doi]

Fontyn C, Meyer KJG, Boixel A-L, Picard C, Destanque A, Marcel TCSuffert F, Goyeau H. 2024. Can higher aggressiveness effectively compensate for a virulence deficiency in plant pathogen? A case study of Puccinia triticina’s fitness evolution in a diversified varietal landscape. Journal of Plant Pathology, en ligne [doi]

• Mathieu L, Reder M, Siah A, Ducasse A,  Langlands-Perry C, Marcel TC, Morel J-B, Saintenac C, Ballini E. 2024. SeptoSympto: a precise image analysis of Septoria tritici blotch disease symptoms using deep learning methods on scanned images. Plant Methods 20, 18 [doi]

• Meyer KJG, Leconte M, Vidal T, Goyeau H, Suffert F. 2024. Is thermal aptitude a pivotal driver in the establishment of recent Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici lineages in Europe? Journal of Plant Pathology 106: 469-482 [doi]

• Nédellec C, Aubin S, Sauvion C, Ibanescu L, Bravo S, Le Gouis J, Marcel TC, Pommier C, Bossy R, Alaux M. 2024. Mapping bread wheat trait ontologies for semantic interoperability [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research, 13: 1102 [doi]

• Soubeyrand S, Estoup A, Cruaud A, Malembic-Maher S, Meynard C, Ravigné V, Barbier M, Barrès B, Berthier K, Boitard S, Dallot S, Gaba S, Grosdidier M, Hannachi M, Jacques M-A, Leclerc M, Lucas P, Martinetti D, Mougel C, Robert C, Roques A, Rossi J-P, Suffert F, Abad P, Auger-Rozenberg M-A, Ay J-S, Bardin M, Bernard H, Bohan DA, Candresse T, Castagnone-Sereno P, Danchin EGJ, Delmas CEL, Ezanno P, Fabre F, Facon B, Gabriel E, Gaudin J, Gauffre B, Gautier M, Guinat C, Lavigne C, Lemaire O, Martinez C, Michel L, Moury B, Nam K, Nédellec C, Ogliastro M, Papaïx J, Parisey N, Poggi S, Radici A, Rasplus J-Y, Reboud X, Robin C, Roche M, Rusch A, Sauvion N, Streito J-C, Verdin E, Walker A-S, Xuéreb A, Thébaud G, Morris CE. 2024. Building integrated plant health surveillance: a proactive research agenda for anticipating and mitigating disease and pest emergence. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 5: 24 [doi]

• Suffert F. 2024. Disruptive effect of rainfalls on the diurnal periodicity of airborne wheat rust spore under field conditions. bioRxiv [doi]

Suffert F, Le Prieur S, Gélisse S, Dzialo E, Saintenac C, Marcel TC. 2024. Estimating the frequency of virulence against an Stb gene in Zymoseptoria tritici populations by bulk phenotyping on checkerboard microcanopies of wheat NILs. Plant Pathology 73: 1573-1585 [doi]


• Amezrou R, Audéon C, Compain J, Gélisse S, Ducasse A, Saintenac C, Lapalu N, Louet C, Orford S, Croll D, Amselem J, Fillinger S, Marcel TC. 2023. A secreted protease-like protein in Zymoseptoria tritici is responsible for avirulence on Stb9 resistance gene in wheat. PLoS Pathogen 19: e1011376 [doi]

• Barroso-Bergada D, Tamaddoni-Nezhad D, Varghese D, Vacher C, Galic N, Laval V, Suffert F, Bohan DA. 2023. Unravelling the web of dark interactions: explainable inference of the diversity of microbial interactions. Advances in Ecological Research 68: 155-183 [doi]

• Bellah H, Gazeau GGélisse SAmezrou RMarcel TC, Croll D. 2023. A highly multiplexed assay to monitor virulence, fungicide resistance and gene flow in the fungal wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici. PLoS ONE 18: e0281181 [doi]

• Boixel A-L, Goyeau H, Berder J, Moinard J, Suffert F, Soubeyrand S, Sache I, Vidal T. 2023. A landscape-scale field survey demonstrates the role of wheat volunteers as a local and diversified source of leaf rust inoculum. Scientific Reports, en ligne [doi]

• Bourgeois TP, Suffert F, Durya G, Biaua G, Lacoste S, Prado S, Dupont J, Salmon S. 2023. Dietary preferences of Heteromurus nitidus (Collembola) among wheat fungal communities: implications for bioregulation of two widespread pathogens. Applied Soil Ecology 188: 104897 [doi]

• Feurtey A, Lorrain C, McDonald MC, Milgate A, Solomon P, Warren R, Puccetti G, Scalliet G, Torriani S, Gout LMarcel TSuffert F, Alassimone J, Lipzen A, Yoshinaga Y, Daum C, Barry K, Grigoriev I, Goodwin SB, Genissel A, Seidl MF, Stukenbrock EH, Lebrun M-H, Kema G, McDonald BA, Croll D. 2023. A thousand-genome panel retraces the global spread and climatic adaptation of a major fungal crop pathogen. Nature Communications 14: 1059 [doi]

• Fontyn CMeyer K, Boixel A-L, Delestre GPiaget EPicard CSuffert F,  Marcel TC,  Goyeau H. 2023. Evolution within a given virulence phenotype (pathotype) is driven by changes in aggressiveness: a case study of French wheat leaf rust populations. Peer Community Journal, section Infections 3: e39 [doi]

• Karisto P, Suffert F, Mikaberidze A. 2023. Spatially-explicit modeling improves empirical characterization of dispersal. Plant Environment-Interactions, 4: 86-96 [doi]

• Langlands-Perry C, Pitarch A, Lapalu N, Cuenin MBergez C, Noly A, Amezrou RGélisse S, Barrachina C, Parrinello H, Suffert F, Valade R, Marcel TC. 2023. Quantitative and qualitative plant-pathogen interactions call upon similar pathogenicity genes with a spectrum of effects. Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1128546 [doi]

• Reignault P, Sache I, Choquer M, Corio-Coster MF, Dellagi A, Suffert F. 2023. Phytopathologie. 2023. De Boeck Supérieur (Belgique) 384 p. [doi]

• Sarthou J-P, Sester M, Lamichhane J-R, Aubertot J-N, Sarthou V, Suffert F. 2023. Effet des pratiques d’ACS sur les maladies et leurs conséquences sur l’état sanitaire des cultures. In: L’agriculture de conservation des sols, Cordeau S, Maron PA, Sarthou JP, Chauvel B (Eds), Quae Editions [doi].

• Suffert F. 2023. A la découverte des premières rouilles printanières en lisière de forêt de Bois-d’Arcy (Les Clayes-sous-Bois, Yvelines, FR). Compte rendu de la sortie mycologie et botanique organisée le 15 avril 2023 pour l’Association des Naturalistes des Yvelines (ANY) [doi].

• Suffert F (coord.), Coleno F, Sache I, Barbier M, Prete G, Forget-Richard F, Oswald I, Smith I, Suffert M, Chatot C. 2023. Science, savoirs et société : produire et utiliser des connaissances en phytopathologie pour mieux évaluer et gérer les risques biologiques pour la santé des végétaux (chapitre VI). In: Phytopathologie, seconde édition, Reignault P, Sache I, Choquer M, Corio-Coster MF, Dellagi A, Suffert F (eds.), De Boeck Supérieur.

• Vialatte A (coord.), Martinet V (coord.), Tibi A (coord.), Alignier A, Angeon V, Bedoussac L, Bohan DA, Bougherara D, Carpentier A, Castagneyrol B, Cordeau S, Courtois P, Deguine J-P, Doehler M, Enjalbert J, Fabre F, Féménia F, Fréville H, Goulet F, Grateau R, Grimonprez B, Gross N, Hannachi M, Jeanneret P, Labarthe P, Launay M, Lelièvre V, Lemarié S, Martel G, Masson A, Navarrete M, Plantegenest M, Ravigné V, Rusch A, Suffert F, Tapsoba A, Thoyer S. 2022. Protéger les cultures en augmentant la diversité végétale des espaces agricoles. Rapport de l’expertise scientifique collective, INRAE (France), 954 p. [doi]


• Azzimonti G, Papaïx J, Lannou C, Goyeau H. 2022. Contribution of the life-history traits of a plant pathogen to the development of field epidemics. Plant Pathology 71: 1344-1354 [doi]

• Bernard F, Chelle M, Riahi El Kamel O, Pincebourde S, Sache I, Suffert F. 2022. Daily fluctuations in leaf temperature modulate the development of a foliar pathogen. Agricultural Forest Meteorology 322: 109031 [doi]

• Boixel A-L, Chelle M, Suffert F. 2022. Patterns of thermal adaptation in a worldwide plant pathogen: local diversity and plasticity reveal two-tier dynamics. Ecology and Evolution 12: e8515 [doi]

• Boixel A-L, Gélisse SMarcel TCSuffert F. 2022. Differential tolerance of Zymoseptoria tritici to altered optimal moisture conditions during the early stages of wheat infection. Journal of Plant Pathology 104: 495–507 [doi]

• Fontyn CZippert A-CDelestre GMarcel TCSuffert FGoyeau H. 2022. Is virulence phenotype evolution driven exclusively by Lr gene deployment in French Puccinia triticina populations? Plant Pathology 71: 1511-1524 [doi]

• Karisto P, Suffert F, Mikaberidze A. 2022. Measuring splash-dispersal of a major wheat pathogen in the field. PhytoFrontiers 2: 30-40 [doi]

• Langlands-Perry CCuenin MBergez CBen Krima SGélisse S, Sourdille P, Valade R, Marcel TC. 2022. Resistance of the wheat cultivar ‘Renan’ to Septoria leaf blotch explained by a combination of strain specific and strain non-specific QTL mapped on an ultra-dense genetic map. Genes 13: 100 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Lapalu N, Simon A, Demenou B, Paumier D, Guillot M-P, Gout L, Suffert F, Valade R. 2022. Complete genome sequences of Septoria linicola: a resource for studying a damaging flax pathogen. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, in press [doi]

•​​​​​​​ McDonald BA, Suffert F, Bernasconi A, Mikaberidze A. 2022. How large and diverse are field populations of fungal plant pathogens? The case of Zymoseptoria tritici. Evolutionary Applications 15: 1360-1373 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Orellana-Torrejon CVidal TBoixel A-LGélisse S, Saint-Jean S, Suffert F. 2022. Annual dynamics of Zymoseptoria tritici populations in wheat cultivar mixtures: a compromise between the efficiency and durability of a recently broken-down resistance gene? Plant Pathology 71: 289-303 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Orellana-Torrejon C, Vidal T, Gazeau GBoixel A-LGélisse SLageyre J, Saint-Jean S, Suffert F. 2022. Multiple scenarios for sexual crosses in the fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici on wheat residues: potential consequences for virulence gene transmission. Fungal Genetics and Biology 163: 103744 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Orellana-Torrejon C, Vidal T, Saint-Jean S, Suffert F. 2022. The impact of wheat cultivar mixtures on virulence dynamics in Zymoseptoria tritici populations persist after interseason sexual reproduction. Plant Pathology 71: 1537-1549 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Patpour M, Hovmøller MS, Rodriguez-Algaba J, Randazzo B, Villegas D, Shamanin V, Berlin A, Flath K, Czembor P, Hanzalova A, Sliková S, Skolotneva ES, Jin Y, Szabo L, Meyer KJ, Valade R, Thach T, Hansen JG, Justesen AF. 2022. Wheat stem rust back in Europe: diversity, prevalence and impact on host resistance. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 882440 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Rodriguez-Algaba J, Hovmøller MS, Schulz P, Hansen JG, Lezaun JA, Joaquim J, Randazzo B, Czembor P, Zemeca L, Slikova S, Hanzalová A, Holdgate S, Wilderspin S, Mascher F, Suffert FLeconte M, Flath K, Justesen AF. 2022. Stem rust on barberry species in Europe: Host specificities and genetic diversity. Frontiers in Genetics 13: 988031 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Suffert F. 2022. La Russie et la Chine instrumentalisent-elles la réglementation phytosanitaire à des fins géopolitiques ? The Conversation, 25 avril 2022 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Suffert F, Suffert M. 2022. ‘Phytopathological strolls’ in the dual context of COVID-19 lockdown and IYPH2020: transforming constraints into an opportunity for public education about plant pathogens. Plant Pathology 71: 30-42 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Tibi A (coord.), Martinet V (coord.), Vialatte A (coord.), Alignier A, Angeon V, Bohan DA, Bougherara D, Cordeau S, Courtois P, Deguine J-P, Enjalbert J, Fabre F, Fréville H, Grateau R, Grimonprez B, Gross N, Hannachi M, Launay M, Lelièvre V., Lemarié S, Martel G, Navarrete M, Plantegenest M, Ravigné V., Rusch A, Suffert F, Thoyer S. 2022. Protéger les cultures en augmentant la diversité végétale des espaces agricoles. Synthèse du rapport d’ESCo. INRAE, 86 p.

•​​​​​​​ Valade R, Boixel A-L, Meyer KSuffert F. 2022. 2021, l’odyssée de l’espèce Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici : retour sur une année exceptionnelle qui pose la question de l’endémicité de la rouille noire du blé en France et incite à maintenir l’effort d’épidémiosurveillance en systèmes céréaliers. Phytoma - La santé des végétaux 754: 45-50 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Vialatte A, Tibi A, Alignier A, Angeon V, Bedoussac L, Bohan DA, Bougherara D, Carpentier A, Castagneyrol B, Cordeau S, Courtois P, Deguine J-P, Enjalbert J, Fabre F, Féménia F, Fréville H, Goulet F, Grateau R, Grimonprez B, Gross N, Hannachi M, Jeanneret P, Kuhfuss L, Labarthe P, Launay M, Lefebvre M, Lelièvre V, Lemarié S, Martel G, Masson A, Navarrete M, Plantegenest M, Ravigné V, Rusch A, Suffert F, Tapsoba A, Thérond O, Thoyer S, Martinet V. 2021. Promoting crop pest control by plant diversification in agricultural landscapes: a conceptual framework for analysing feedback loops between agro-ecological and socio-economic effects. Advances in Ecological Research 65: 133-165 [doi]


•​​​​​​​ Goyeau H, Valade R, de Vallavieille‐Pope C, Leconte M, Massé J, Bonnefoy M, Orlando B, Maumené C, Robin N, Thibord J-B. 2021. Maladies et bioagresseurs : bien les connaître pour une protection intégrée efficace. In: Blé dur : synthèse des connaissances pour une filière durable, Abecassis J, Massé J, Allaoua A (Eds), L'immunité végétale, Quae Editions, p. 167-197 ISBN 978-2-7592-3233-8

•​​​​​​​ Goyeau H, Halkett F, Le Cam B, Montarry J, Le May C. 2021. Les contournements de résistance : mécanismes, dynamiques et conséquences. In: L’immunité des plantes, Lannou C, Carenta C, Roby D, Ravigné V, Hannachi M, Moury B (Eds), Quae Editions - Editions ARVALIS, p. 167-190 ISBN 978-2-8179-0414-6

•​​​​​​​ Laval V, Kerdraon L, Barret M, Boudier B, Liabot A-L, Marais C, Balesdent M, Le Saux M, Suffert F. 2021. Assessing the cultivability of bacteria and fungi from arable crop residues using metabacoding data as a reference. Diversity, 13:404 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Moury B, Audergon JM, Baudracco-Arnas S, Ben Krima S, Bertrand F, Boissot N, Buisson M, Caffier V, Cantet M, Chanéac S, Constant C, Delmotte F, Dogimont C, Doumayrou J, Fabre F, Fournet S, Grimault V, Jaunet T, Justafré I, Lefebvre V, Losdat D, Marcel TC, Montarry J, Morris C, Omrani M, Paineau M, Perrot S , Pilet-Nayel ML, Ruellan Y. 2021. The quasi-universality of nestedness in the structure of quantitative plant-parasite interactions. Peer Community Journal, e44 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Ouaja M, Bahri BA, Aouini L, Ferjaoui S, Medini M, Marcel TC, Hamza S. 2021. Morphological characterization and genetic diversity analysis of Tunisian durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) accessions. BMC Genomic Data 22: 2-17 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Vidal T, Gauffreteau A, Enjalbert J, Suffert F. 2021. Mélanger les variétés pour construire des peuplements plus résistants aux bioagresseurs. In: L’immunité des plantes, Lannou C, Carenta C, Roby D, Ravigné V, Hannachi M, Moury B (Eds), Quae Editions, p. 221-232 ISBN 978-2-7592-3233-8


•​​​​​​​ Ben Krima S, Slim A, Gélisse S, Houki H, Nadaud I, Sourdille P, Yahyaoui A, Ben M’Barek S, Suffert FMarcel TC. 2020. Life story of Tunisian durum wheat landraces revealed by their genetic and phenotypic diversity. bioRxiv, non relu par les pairs [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Kerdraon L, Barret M, Balesdent M, Suffert F, Laval V. 2020. Impact of a resistance gene against a fungal pathogen on the plant host residue microbiome: the case of the Leptosphaeria maculans-Brassica napus pathosystem. Molecular Plant Pathology 21: 1445-1558 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Ouaja M, Aouini L, Bahri B, Ferjaoui S, Medini M, Marcel TC, Hamza S. 2020. Identification of valuable sources of resistance to Zymoseptoria tritici in the Tunisian durum wheat landraces. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156: 647-661 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Paumier D, Bammé B, Penaud A, Valade R, Suffert F. 2020. First report of the sexual stage of the flax pathogen Mycosphaerella linicola in France and its impact on pasmo epidemiology. Plant Pathology 70: 175-183 [doi]


•​​​​​​​ Boixel AL, Chelle M, Suffert F. 2019. Patterns of thermal adaptation in a worldwide plant pathogen: local diversity and plasticity reveal two-tier dynamics. bioRxiv, not peer-reviewed [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Boixel AL, Delestre GLegeay J, Chelle M, Suffert F. 2019. Phenotyping thermal responses of yeasts and yeast-like microorganisms at the individual and population levels: proof-of-concept, development and application of an experimental framework to a plant pathogen. Microbial Ecology 78: 42-56 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Kolmer J, Ordonez ME, German SE, Morgunov A, Pretorius ZA, Visser B, Goyeau H, Anikster Y, Acevedo M. 2019. Multilocus genotypes of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina in worldwide regions indicate past and current long distance migration. Phytopathology 109: 1453-1463 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Kerdraon L, Balesdent M-H, Barret M, Laval V, Suffert F. 2019. Crop residues in wheat-oilseed rape rotation system: a pivotal, shifting platform for microbial meetings. Microbial Ecology 4: 931-945 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Kerdraon L, Barret M, Laval V, Suffert F. 2019. Differential dynamics of microbial community networks help identify microorganisms interacting with residue-borne pathogens: the case of Zymoseptoria tritici in wheat. Microbiome, 7: 125 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Kerdraon L, Laval V, Suffert F. 2019. Microbiomes and pathogen survival in crop residues, an ecotone between plant and soil. Phytobiomes Journal 3: 246-255 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Morais D, Duplaix C, Sache I, Laval V, Suffert F, Walker A-S. 2019. Overall stability in the genetic structure of a Zymoseptoria tritici population from epidemic to interepidemic stages at a small spatial scale. European Journal of Plant Pathology 154: 423-436 [doi]


•​​​​​​​ Sanchez-Vallet  A, Hartmann FE, Marcel T, Croll D. 2018. Nature's genetic screens: using genome-wide association studies for effector discovery. Molecular Plant Pathology​ 19: 3-6 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Suffert FDelestre GGélisse S. 2018. Sexual reproduction in the fungal foliar pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici is driven by antagonistic density-dependence mechanisms. Microbial Ecology 77: 110-123 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Suffert FGoyeau H, Sache I, Carpentier F, Gélisse SMorais DDelestre G. 2018. Epidemiological trade-off between intra- and interannual scales in the evolution of aggressiveness in a local plant pathogen population. Evolutionary Applications 11: 768-780 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Suffert F, Thompson R. 2018. Some reasons why the latent period should not always be considered constant over the course of a plant disease epidemic. Plant Pathology 67: 1831-1840 [doi]


•​​​​​​​ Mumford J, Leach AW, Holt J, Suffert F, Sache I, Moignot B, Hamilton RA. 2017. Integrating crop bioterrorism hazards into pest risk assessment tools. In: Gullino ML, Stack J, Fletcher J, Mumford J (Eds.), Practical tools for plant and food biosecurity, Springer, p. 121-142 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Soubeyrand S, Garreta V, Monteil C, Suffert FGoyeau HBerder J, Berge O, Moinard J, Fournier E, Tharreau D, Morris C, Sache I. 2017. Testing differences between pathogen compositions with small samples and sparse data. Phytopathology 107: 1199-1208 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Suffert F. 2017. Characterization of the threat resulting from plant pathogens use as anti-crop bioweapons: an EU perspective on agroterrorism. In: Gullino ML, Stack J, Fletcher J, Mumford J (Eds.), Practical tools for plant and food biosecurity, Springer, p. 31-60 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Yeo FKS, Bouchon R, Kuijken R, Loriaux A, Boyd C, Niks RE, Marcel TC. 2017. High-resolution mapping of genes involved in plant stage-specific partial resistance of barley to leaf rust. Molecular breeding 37: 45 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Zhong Z, Marcel TC, Hartmann FE, Ma X, Plissonneau C, Zala M, Ducasse A, Confais J, Compain J, Lapalu N, Amselem J, McDonald BA, Croll D, Palma-Guerrero J. 2017. A small secreted protein in Zymoseptoria tritici is responsible for avirulence on wheat cultivars carrying the Stb6 resistance gene. New Phytologist 214: 619-631 [doi]


•​​​​​​​ Morais D, Sache I, Suffert F, Laval V. 2016. Is the onset of Septoria tritici blotch epidemics related to local availability of ascospores? Plant Pathology 65: 250-260 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Morais D, Gélisse S, Laval V, Sache I, Suffert F. 2016. Inferring the origin of primary inoculum of Zymoseptoria tritici from differential adaptation of resident and immigrant populations to wheat cultivars. European Journal of Plant Pathology 145: 393-404 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Rabe F, Bosch J, Stirnberg A, Guse T, Bauer L ,Seitner D, Rabanal FA, Czedik-Eysenberg A, Uhse S, Bindics J, Genenncher B, Navarrete F, Kellner R, Ekker H, Kumlehn J, Vogel JP, Gordon SP, Marcel TC, Munsterkotters M, Walter MC, Sieber CMK, Mannhaupt G, Guldener U, Kahmann R, Djamei A. 2016. A complete toolset for the study of Ustilago bromivora and Brachypodium sp. as a fungal-temperate grass pathosystem. eLIFE 5: e20522 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Suffert F, Delestre G, Carpentier F, Walker AS, Gazeau G, Gélisse S, Duplaix C. 2016. Fashionably late partners have more fruitful encounters: impact of the timing of co-infection and pathogenicity on sexual reproduction in Zymoseptoria tritici. Fungal Genetics and Biology 92: 40-49 [doi]


•​​​​​​​ Morais D, Laval V, Sache I, Suffert F. 2015. Comparative pathogenicity of sexual and asexual spores of Zymoseptoria tritici (Septoria tritici blotch) on wheat leaves. Plant Pathology 64: 1429–1439  [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Niks RE, Alemu SK, Marcel TC, van Heyzen S. 2015. Mapping genes in barley for resistance to Puccinia coronata from couch grass and to Puccinia striiformis from brome, wheat and barley. Euphytica 206: 487-499  [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Niks RE, Qi X, Marcel TC. 2015. Quantitative resistance to biotrophic filamentous plant pathogens: concepts, misconceptions, and mechanisms. Annual Review of Phytopathology 53: 445-470  [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Siou DGélisse S, Laval V, Suffert FLannou C. 2015. Mutual exclusion between fungal species of the FHB complex in a wheat spike. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 4682-4689  [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Siou DGélisse S, Laval V, Repinçay C, Bourdat-Deschamps M, Suffert F, Lannou C. 2015. Interactions between head blight pathogens: consequences on disease development and toxins production in wheat spikes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 957-965 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Suffert F, Ravigné V, Sache I. 2015. Seasonal changes drive short-term selection for fitness traits in the wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 6367-6379  [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Yeo FKS, Wang Y, Vozabova T, Huneau C, Leroy P, Chalhoub B, Qi XQ, Niks RE, Marcel TC. 2015. Haplotype divergence and multiple candidate genes at Rphq2, a partial resistance QTL of barley to Puccinia hordei. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 129: 289-304 [doi]


•​​​​​​​ Azzimonti GMarcel TC, Robert O, Paillard S, Lannou C, Goyeau H. 2014. Diversity, specificity and impacts on field epidemics of QTLs involved in components of quantitative resistance in the wheat leaf rust pathosystem. Molecular Breeding 34:549-567 [doi]

•​​​​​​​ Gautier A, Marcel TC, Confais J, Crane C, Kema G, Suffert F, Walker A-S. 2014. Development of a rapid multiplex SSR genotyping method to study populations of the plant pathogenic fungus Mycosphaerella graminicola. BMC Research Notes 7: 373 [doi]

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Date de modification : 05 octobre 2024 | Date de création : 03 avril 2014 | Rédaction : Fréderic Suffert